Monday, December 29, 2008

Contemplative Christmas V

This is our final week of the SoulPerSuit Contemplative Christmas.

I hope you'll stick around and join us for this last theme, because even though the presents are opened, the Christmas musical extravaganzas are concluded, the family photos taken, and the figgy pudding eaten, there is still plenty more going on with the Christmas story. Lots of opportunities to respond.

You can find our previous collective thoughts (and add your own) here:

Week I- Barn Smells
Week II- Bright Light
Week III- Singing
Week VI- Cradled in Arms

Throughout the month of December, SoulPerSuit has been inviting folks to reflect on a theme phrase pertaining to the Nativity. We also offer one or two Shuffle the Deck activities to kick start your creative thinking. All the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and sensations of this Christmas season are at your disposal- you just need your Bible and your imagination.

This week's theme is:
Lavish incense

Optional Shuffle The Deck activities to get things rolling:

1) There are certain foods that are a tradition this time of year and every family is different. Do you know where those traditions started? Why are these so important? What do these traditions do for the season or family gathering? When is the food served?
Create a recipe card or write a short story about the food and the tradition. Decorate the card or story with clippings, photos, or drawings.

2) Cook a new recipe to ring in the New Year. Try something from an ethnic tradition or region different than your normal fare.

A couple of websites to begin with:
All Recipes
Recipe Source
Recipe Zaar

So, what next? We are hopeful that the Holy Spirit will lead you in worship over the next week.
If you'd like to worship and reflect quietly then you don't need to do anything.
If you create a piece of artwork or have thoughts you'd like to share publicly (or you're new here and wondering what we're up to), click here to see what we're up to.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Every Christmas, someone (usually multiple people) in my family makes a batch of Madie's Icebox Fruitcake. It's my maternal grandmother's recipe and it is very different from traditional fruitcake, which none of us will touch.
This one is more like the consistency of fudge- gooey and sticky- and tastes more like candy than cake. Crushed graham crackers, candied pineapple and cherries, raisins, pecans, all glued together with heavy cream and melted marshmallows. It's divine!

And since our grandmother died before any of us got to meet her, it's always had a mystique to it. A memory of Grandma that really isn't a memory at all since we never met her. But it definitely represents that arm of the family in my mind.
I really think Christmas would be lacking without just a small brick of Madie's Icebox Fruitcake.

For New Year's I'm going to try my hand at making Asian Pot Stickers and Spring Rolls. We love them in restaurants, so I thought we might as well learn to make some at home. Wish me luck!